Nominating Committee
Sign-up Close Date Open
Corporate Management
Time Commitment 1 Year Commitment
Travel Required Travel may be required
This committee consists of 3 persons, members are appointed by the board of directors from the membership to serve.
The appointed committee members serve a one-year term.
To nominate qualified candidates for the board and board officer positions.
This group requires two face to face meetings per year with the first kick off meeting being held in conjunction with NCOFCU's Annual Meeting. Other work is accomplished via regular teleconferences and email.
- Anticipate vacancies on the board.
- Evaluate current board members’ participation in board activities and recommend to the board president members who need to improve their performance or who should be asked to resign.
- Communicate to all board members the quality of candidates for whom the committee is looking.
- Regularly ask the full board to submit the names of good candidate prospects.
- Screen applications for board membership and submit the names of finalists to the full board.
- Recommend individuals to fill board vacancies that occur during the year.
- Nominate and present a slate of board officer candidates.
- Recommend board members to replace outgoing nominating committee members. • Conduct new member orientation and training.
- strategic thinkers
- ambassadors
- creative and out the box thinkers
Number of openings expected: 3
Level of Effort: Extensive
No. Of Volunteers Needed: 3
Please note, NCOFCU volunteers are responsible for covering the costs of their own travel, lodging and expenses to NCOFCU meetings and events. This includes registration costs for events.