Welcome to Credit Union Digital University-The Smart Choice
Regulatory compliance training does not have to be complicated. Despite the complex and changing regulatory environment in the financial services industry, Credit Union Digital University (CUDU) is proficient at delivering solid, simplified, and smart training solutions. For over 15 years, Credit Unions have protected their organizations, ensured accountability, prepared for audits and examinations, as well as supported the professional growth of their employees and directors with Credit Union Digital University’s smart approach to training. Plans and Services
The CUDU course catalog includes over 300 course topics. Full access to the complete library offers the freedom and flexibility to expand or reduce the scale of an institution’s training program at any time. Minimize potential confusion or reluctance from your student group with CUDU’s user-friendly, engaging and time-sensitive online learning format. Choose from three packages that meet the needs of credit unions of all sizes. Let Credit Union Digital University be your online content provider, your full-service training solution, or a combination of both.
In addition to providing smart training solutions, Credit Union Digital University takes pride in their long-term relationships with members. We are committed to exceeding our members’ educational expectations in a simplified, customizable and approachable manner. Let us show you how.
Contact us TODAY to learn about your NCOFCU member discount.
Tony Roberts Account Manager, Financial Services Office: 888.201.4394 x7517 troberts@oncourselearning.com 11350 McCormick Road Executive Plaza II, Suite 1000 Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Copyright NCOFCU 2015 "National Council of Firefighters Credit Unions Inc." (NCOFCU) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. 3741 De Garmo Lane Miami, FL 33133 Privacy Policy